Welcome to the Intelligent Information Processing Lab (IIPL)
The Intelligent Information Processing Lab (IIPL) at the University of Iowa investigates fundamental mathematical principles governing information systems, and provides computational solutions to designing future machine intelligence. Active research areas include high dimensional geometry, machine intelligence, and signal processing. Our lab enjoys close collaborations with theoretical and experimental investigators.
The lab is led by Dr. Weiyu Xu.
Recent News
- Weiyu Xu is promoted to full professor, 2024.
- Jingchao Gao successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis inJune, 2024. Jingchao will start teaching as an assistant professor in Fall, 2024. Congratulations!
- Our paper on a novel camouflage attack on reinforcement learning system is accepted to International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) , Athens, Greece, 2024.
- Two conferences papers, one on semantic communication and another on reinforcement learning, are accepted to CISS 2024 at Princeton University.
- Our conference paper on network design for efficient machine learning is accepted to 49th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, South Korea, December 2024.
- Our lab member is selected to participate in 2023 Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program Fall Engagement (NFE).
- We received an Iowa Initiative for Artificial Intelligence grant on AI technology for health.
- Our journal paper is accepted to Medical Physics, July 2023.
- Our journal paper is accepted to Information and Inference: A Journal of IMA, July 2023. Congratulations to all the co-authors!
- Two conference papers, one on AI and one on error correction codes for testing, have been accepted to 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, July 2023.
- Our conference paper DISTRIBUTED DUAL COORDINATE ASCENT WITH IMBALANCED DATA ON A GENERAL TREE NETWORK has been accepted at 33rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2023), Rome, Italy.
- Our journal paper "A deep learning network with differentiable dynamic programming for retina OCT surface segmentation" is accepted!
- Our paper is accepted to The 48th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
- Our paper is accepted to 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2023, Johns Hopkins University.
- Our journal paper "Use of compressed sensing to expedite high-throughput diagnostic testing for COVID-19 and beyond" is accepted!
- We have received an NSF grant "Collaborative Research: Optimized Testing Strategies for Fighting Pandemics: Fundamental Limits and Efficient Algorithms", September 2022. Thanks for the generous support from NSF!
- Our group alumni have joined Southwest University of Finance and Economics and University of Central Florida as assistant professors!
- Group member Hui Xie has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, July 2022! He is working as principal data scientist in Seattle.
- Together with Professor Tehrani from Department of Mathematics, Weiyu Xu receives "Dolciani Mathematics Enrichment Grant" from Mathematical Association of America, as a co-director to establish "Iowa Junior Academy of Math".